for the quote box

Tip o’ the hat to James Gurney and his fine painting vlog:

The grandest and simplest things contain worlds within worlds… seeing them is a metter of the right point of view, and your painter’s eye is the special portal to such sights. — Richard Schmid

On a different note, (August) Poetry Postcard Fest is nigh upon us and the other night my brain went on the fritz and instead of sleeping it decided that I better remember how to write at least haiku… I finally gave up and turned on the light until we’d gotten some written down. Seriously brain, you come up with some weird stuff sometimes.

Anyway I have my cards ready to go for two groups and a general plan. On September 1 there’s a suggestion that we write an epic day-long poem, and I’m hoping that the brain lets me sleep some before that. Otherwise, I’ll be the one napping that day!

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