Day 14 NaPoWriMo 2022

Quick trip to the grocery store and swing by Mom’s. She was out pruning back perennials in her front yard in the odd eighty degree April day. I stopped on the way home to see a movie (going around a roundabout when I remembered that it was opening today). I was one of maybe eight or so in the theater. No noticeable sounds or reactions. Missed a storm while I was in the theater but saw it running ahead of me as I drove home.

Dear world – could you give me some relief from the whole “crazy would-be tyrant takes over the world a whole lot more easily than expected” thing? Thanks! Sometimes I need something less like the “real” world, ok? Just for an hour or two. And world? Could you keep the introductions to speakers short? Thanks.

my mind, wandering
through meandering intros
i’m losing my place

i’m losing this place
forgetting why I came here
what this is all for

today’s storm came down
charged with unmistakable
purpose and dark clouds.

the temperature dropped
the black clouds crossed and fled
on familiar paths

This entry was posted in clouds, Do the Work, gardens and flowers, haiku, life around us, NaPoWriMo, Poetry and Lyrics, Ripped from the headlines, taking time to look, the creative process, weather and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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