Day One – NaPoWriMo

Rode home to visit the kitties today and the daffodil leaves and buds were whipping in the wind. My facebook memories show that they were blooming last year on April first and that they got snowed on later in the day. That might have been true the year before too.

Yesterday Mom and I got our booster booster. She sailed through without a problem but my arm wasn’t happy and what a headache! Tonight I’m feeling 95% all better and I squeaked out some daffodil haiku.

last year april first
the daffodils were blooming
and later it snowed

today no flowers
many buds sway in the wind
waiting for warm days

hostas chewed down by deer
bright green barely there above
hoof prints in the dirt.

April 1 Daffodils

This entry was posted in cats helpful cats, covid19, Do the Work, gardens and flowers, haiku, In the neighborhood, NaPoWriMo, Poetry and Lyrics, taking time to look, the creative process and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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