September Arrives

The postcards are still arriving so I’m going to wait a week or two before doing final group photos. The cards have been numerous and great and at times perfectly timed. You never know when you send out a bunch of words how they’ll land, but thank you everyone who sent cards.

I enjoyed the break from watercolor/photograph cards of my own making. Using recycled grocery boxes with a few things gleaned from phone books and other sources gave a new focus to the words. This year’s poems were unrelated to the cards without a doubt but the cards weren’t unrelated to the month and the year beforehand.

My tradition of sending out a bonus card with an “end of august” poem continued. I don’t think my wishes for getting it done sooner/earlier is really possible. Somehow it needs that moment, well into the month, of thinking – oh my god – what will I do for the August 31st card???!!! So I’ll let it happen as it seems to have done for a few years. I’m grateful to Staples for taking the pressure off my home printer and getting it done quickly and efficiently.

I hope I managed to say at least ‘hi!’ on all the cards. This year there was a little more room per card for stuff like that, due to sending three to four haiku each night. I tried harder to look at the cards received pile to see what was going on there before writing but it never seems to influence me too much. I thought of it as having the recipient in mind. I always look to see first who the poems will be going to.

There’s an open mic for participants tomorrow and I hope to hear the experiences of others!

And oh yeah, signed up for next year. See you next August!

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2 Responses to September Arrives

  1. Pingback: September Arrives |

  2. Betty Frezon. says:

    Another job well done. Thanks for letting me in on the progress.

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