Let the squirrel-times roll… or not

Thanks Morebirds for giving me a way to replace the tube of my old Droll Yankee tube feeder that got eaten by a bear in the spring. Ten bucks, good as new, with just a philips screwdriver and a large nail (this later part I came up with as a way to hold the small nut way inside the feed hold while I screwed in the other side). I took a moment to clean up the metal bottom before reassembling and it really looks like new. I also ordered a small-birds-friendly feeder with collapsing perches to fill in the package and that looks nice too. Holds quite a bit of seed and I already saw some birds checking it out.

I moved the feeder Mom gave me the other day to where the screen tube was but added a top baffle. If that seems to keep the squirrels busy I will probably move the whole thing higher and go back to the screen tube since the larger birds prefer it.

After that arrived but before all the assembly stuff I headed out to get bird seed and managed to blank out on everything else on my list. So I got a few art supplies instead because it was almost not raining. Now it’s raining again. The Kinderhook is raging.

New feeder with collapsible perches, a demonstration movie.

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