NaPoWriMo Day Twenty-Four

I know that today my cats were secretly or not so secretly criticizing my use of the computer, but sometimes…

There is no cat
that cannot be
impossible to hold
a single sharp claw
a need to lick
a compulsion to spread
up the chest so that
tail operates keyboard
You may demonstrate
the ease and propriety
of many positions
but none of them
will be found pleasing
a leg sticks out and
any bump provokes.
a chin rests on an arm
whose hand moves too much.
repositioning results
in abandonment.

cat begs for lap space.
repositioning results
in abandonment.

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2 Responses to NaPoWriMo Day Twenty-Four

  1. Pingback: NaPoWriMo Day Twenty-Four |

  2. Betty says:

    Aw aw aw. So sweet.

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