NaPoWriMo Day Twenty-One

Here’s my help tonight with this NaPoWriMo post. I think Ginny appreciates that three weeks into the month some support is welcome.

the supportive cat
looks up briefly just to say
you should be writing.

Sitting at my desk this afternoon, I wondered what the sudden noise was outside. Oh nothing – just life at the edge of New England.

Just as the door was almost closing
almost closing on April,
this afternoon it blew open
and winter ran back in like a crazy
toddler who has had not enough nap
and too much chocolate and
who looks both determined and
without semblance of reason.
The daffodils fell down exhausted.
White hills pale neon yellow
and pink and shivering at dusk
and the only correct response is
crazy weather isn’t it? again?

sudden afternoon
noise in late april shouting
of crazy snow squall

This entry was posted in cats helpful cats, Do the Work, gardens and flowers, haiku, In the neighborhood, NaPoWriMo, the creative process, weather and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to NaPoWriMo Day Twenty-One

  1. Pingback: NaPoWriMo Day Twenty-One |

  2. Manja Mexi says:

    A lovely poem but I got even a bigger kick of the haiku on top. :D Goes so well with the photo.

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