NaPoWriMo Day One

Rain again, running down the sky,
the window, into the roots
of still uncertain plants
You may think the world a grey place
with a winter full of snow
and the rainy stretches of
that in between place known as March
so not sure of where it’s going
to winter or beyond
One day snow, the next shirt sleeves,
the daffodils poke up
and snow tucks their bed in again.
Meanwhile I come and go,
with not much of a plan except that
something will happen tomorrow
unfamiliar or not.

Day lilies

Daffodils April 1

Here’s the haiku version:

rain again running down
the sky, the window, the roots
of uncertain plants

This entry was posted in Do the Work, gardens and flowers, haiku, life around us, NaPoWriMo, taking time to look, the creative process, weather and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to NaPoWriMo Day One

  1. Wonderful, really like the haiku!

  2. Cordelia says:

    I love the haiku. I feel like we are all uncertain plants.

  3. Ken Gierke says:

    I enjoyed both, but the haiku is an especially nice distillation.

  4. Pingback: NaPoWriMo Day One |

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