
Yet another Tuesday. Went up to see the folks Sunday night and drove back Monday, and had a nice visit while there. Dad liked the new Mr. Coffee and the new Suduko book will keep him out of trouble awhile.

Spent today at a shop getting a whole lot of work done to the car. I keep telling myself that it’s worth keeping this car going but it’s annoying and scary to spend big hunks of money now and again on it. But now the 2002 saturn has a new exhaust system (its first replacement!) and the standard oil change/let’s see how many other little things we can throw in too sort of thing. I had a 30% off coupon on the exhaust work which I think says a lot about the pricing schema there…

Needless to say it all took awhile. I was quite prepared for this. I did a lot of surfing, emailing, facebooking, chatting and actual pencil and paper working. Meanwhile an array of type-A, twitchy, whiny, angry people came and went. One woman went totally ballistic at her husband who said nothing and did nothing to alleviate the situation. Always two sides of the story and I could understand both sides but yelling and throwing a lot of language around and flouncing out, spending time sulking by the big trash container outside and then flouncing in to yell some more ummmm smacks of tantrum. Or, to be kinder, the moment you realize your marriage should have ended about 5 years ago.

Much facebook fodder there.

Then some grocery shopping. Yes – a bunch of guys cruising the aisles, LOL but more interestingly, there was a big Hannaford managers meeting/store tour going on. The one I nabbed to present my über tech idea to, pretty much gave me bare time of day. You snooze you lose folks since I already presented it to a rather enthusiastic local competitor.

Now I’m home with a bunch of food to make me hungry for all things good for me. Hope that works out!

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