Interesting things people say

Several people in the past few days have caught me typing my log in name – mbquilts – as I do various things at work.

“Oh, are you a quilter?” they ask.

“Yes.” I reply.

And then something else happens conversationally. Sometimes the customer or the wife-of-customer is a quilter etc.

Tonight the above dialogue happens. It’s the customer who is the quilter. She doesn’t add anything past those two lines of dialogue, so I ask “do you belong to a local guild?”

No. No she doesn’t. She never knows, what with work, and not knowing about work and when and well no time and well in a few years she hopes to be retired and have more time and maybe then.


I had absolutely no response to that. None. I could have been the extremely forward outgoing force that said “don’t wait” or “even small amounts of time doing something you want to is better than nothing” or something. I could have said something. But I didn’t.

There’s no way that woman will be doing anything but waiting for retirement. She might make a quilt now and again. But she’s not a quilter. There was not a single scrap of thread anywhere on her person.

Damn. Don’t wait. Do what you love every stinkin’ day, even if it’s only for a few minutes.

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3 Responses to Interesting things people say

  1. Janet Atkins says:

    It’s amazing what an hour of quilting a day will do for your soul.

  2. Cathy Neri says:

    “There was not a single scrap of thread anywhere on her person.”
    MB, that one sentence summarized your (and my) mindset perfectly.
    Thank you for a good kick in the pants!

  3. Daleah says:

    Amen! You tell’em Mary Beth! One of my “favorites” (pet peeves, that is) is people who look at any quilt project even something clearly intended as art, or a small item, and want to know what size bed it will fit, or even say “my, my, you will certainly have plenty of bedding….” GRRR!
    Daleah (who sorted and rearranged her sewing room a few days ago and was “attacked” by 20 (yes, I counted them) UFOs ranging in age from approx 20 years to less than a week in progress. Since then I have made progress on 3 of them, and some quilt friends are coming over to hand dye fabric tomorrow.)

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