Sept 22, 2001

Talked to Ron today. He is staying in the same hotel, going to the irish “pub” Mulligan’s he found last time. He says that the feeling is very different down there, since they have definitely switched to recovery. A huge crane is supposed to be coming in tonight to remove some of the really large pieces. Things are still being sifted through after they’re removed to Staten Island.

I guess from what he said that they had found a void which led to an area of an underground parking lot. Firemen went in, team with dogs went in and found nothing.

I was thinking that they should use some of the dust to blend in with whatever they build, in whatever monuments or memorials they build. No doubt it would actually contain molecules of the victims.

I needed to go to Walmarts today – a rather surreal experience in normal times. To add to my confusion they are rearranging the store. I came home with the mundane things on my list but I sprang for four “best of” albums: Paul Simon, Rod Stewart, The Beatles (the 1 album) and John Lennon (Lennon Legend). I guess I needed a little break from the familiar celtic music we normally have going.

Instead of getting better, I’m still processing apparently. I got through the first week of Apple Store Training. I worked on quilts. Bottom line is that I’m weepier now than I was last week. As I was telling Ron about this we were both saying the prospect of dropping bombs and engaging in warfare is scary. Is it only so for those who remember Viet Nam? Gulf War? As Ron said – why drop bombs on Afghanistan – to kill some badly needed goats?

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