Ever Upward, Ever Onward

When one door closes, another opens: but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us. — Alexander Graham Bell

Not sure why that quote seemed so appropriate while I was coming this way to link this article but there you go. Sometimes companies and people hold onto the old way, the old thing a little too long or a little too tightly and so miss the direction or possibilities the universe is offering them. Guilty as charged. Even small changes can make a big difference or keep you in shape to be open to future options.

In the NYTimes comes an article about the game-changing effect of the iPhone and specifically the world of apps. While some companies would be doing it differently, the article points out that by encouraging developers to write for this market and yet maintaining control over the quality of user experience, Apple has made this very successful.

It’s good to be in touch with the past and hold onto the best parts and folk we know, good to be masterful and experienced in somethings and yet be willing to meet new people and try new things.

Made me think back to that fateful day when the first iPod was announced and the whole world seemed different because of the new possibilities.

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