Sunday I drove home the long way, scouting for places to paint.
It was quite cold, but lots of fog and low hanging clouds making it interesting. Took some photos and made some mental notes on future painting spots. Anyway, having just finished a class about simplifying and focusing on shapes and values, out came this:
Still trying to come to grips with hot press paper which just acts different from the cold press I’ve been using all along but it has some redeeming qualities after I get past the “why is it doing that?” feelings. My other two local teachers had each noted that when I worked in a smaller sketchbook with smoother paper that it seemed to suit my style so I’m giving it a college try.
Pleasure is a shadow, wealth is vanity, and power a pageant; but knowledge is ecstatic in enjoyment, perennial in frame, unlimited in space and indefinite in duration. — De Witt Clinton
Mary Beth,
I like what came out a lot! Brooding clouds and dark, uneven fields and hills softened by the low sky. The cold is there too. What do you like and not like about it?
The explanations of the hot press and cold press papers and their differences were really interesting. I made paper for a while in NJ. Some of it was used by a photographer friend for a small show in the East Village.