Day Four, En Plein Air

Today as we were scoping out views at the top of the hill Bob, our teacher, suggested that I should try something with something in the fore and mid ground rather than just long views. So I picked a spot where the crest of the hill had a tree perched on it and then it dropped away to some pretty color trees and then the rolling hills of (turns out) Vermont. I did a sketch in my smaller sketchbook and then decided to just redo it with better placement on bigger paper and have at.

I know I could add more leafy areas but I’m mostly ok with it the way it is.

We did have some moments of sunshine which really lit up the world, like these birch trees. Hopefully more of that tomorrow.

In this life, so much of what we cannot control is caustic. The intrusive things we see, hear and smell make their way into our lives on a regular basis. If a painting can take you away from the crap out there, and help you scrape the day away, that’s appeal.
— Gail Griffiths

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One Response to Day Four, En Plein Air

  1. Betty Mom Frezon. says:

    We have a beautiful world at our beckon call. I say just enjoy it. Seems your eyes take it all in.

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