Sunday, A Day Off

It was very rainy and gray. I obtained some grown up food for the kitties, mixing it with what’s left of mixed with kitten food because gosh darn it they’re huge and still growing and will be a year old in July. OMG. They’re huge. Molly likes the kitten food more than they do. Anyway they always enjoy helping me open up the bag.

I took a scenic route home but it was raining and such flat light that I came home. Decided to try the new palette of colors and did this.

After making similar images on an iPad at work it was good to see and feel the difference of working in “real” paint on paper.

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5 Responses to Sunday, A Day Off

  1. Mom Betty Frezon says:

    Beyond words. Beautiful.

  2. Kristin says:

    What a bright and beautiful pot of flowers.

  3. Cathy says:

    Miss Oreo Monroe would appreciate it if you could better define “huge”. #kthxbai

    • Audrey Gorman says:

      Noel and Miranda were just expressing the same thought. Neither of them is “huge” in our experience. Noel says to tell you that he, a house panther, weighs 15 pounds! They concede that baby kittehs are very small.

      That being said, they’re glad the children are progressing to adult food.

      I’m always happy to see pictures of your kittehs. Your journey with the watercolors is fascinating and inspiring. Wonderful pot of flowers, colorful and very alive!

  4. Mary Beth Frezon says:

    They’ll be a year old in July and they’re as big as Molly. I’d guess they’re in the 8-10 category. She’s about 11-12. They still have a little growing to do but not much. Harry might. He’s got Big Boy looks about him.

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