Gratitude in the Quiet Corners

I was super happy to be done with work Sunday night, and was pretty darn happy to be going to my local NaNoWriMo writers’ group. The group meets each week at a Denny’s, doing writing sprints, gabbing in between, asking for random brainstorming suggestions and eating.

Anyway I was glad to be there and I even managed to do some writing.

I had asked a poet friend if she’d throw an eyeball on something I’d written. It was a bunch different from my normal topic and although I liked it, I wasn’t sure what someone who wasn’t me would take away from it. She said yes and while I was sprinting away happily, in came the response. It was part reaction, part editing suggestion and it was GREAT! I will keep working on it and see what happens. Thanks alpha reader!

It had been a long week and I left earlier than the rest. I got in my car and turned on the radio and there it was: The Boston Symphony playing – yes! – Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony. One of my favorites! And it was just an outstanding performance. Amazing. And it completely filled my ride home and a few minutes in my driveway. I didn’t hear the name of the conductor, only that he was 88. [at the time apparently. This looks to be an encore from the BSO’s 2015-16 season, led by Herbert Blomstedt.] Let me tell you – that was one of the fastest and most riotous 7ths on record. I believe this is the program I heard; the 7th starts around 1:12:00.

There was also a moment in the sprinting where I was trying to figure out where something would happen and I was looking at a series of photos that included this at Calanais, Outer Hebrides:

which I thought was pretty cool. Threw the link into the planning folder for future trips. Then I went back to writing. A few minutes later and I went to look up where a bit of story had happened and found it had included a trip to, yup, the stones at Calanais… Thank you past self!

This entry was posted in badass-ness, Do the Work, NaNoWriMo, Poetry and Lyrics, the creative process, what I'm listening to. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Gratitude in the Quiet Corners

  1. Daleah Lawson says:

    Amazing, you live a life of connectedness and serendipity.

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