Today we took the ferry…

to Picton, on the South Island and then Marge started driving – past Blenheim, through a lot of vineyards and eventually to Murchison. Saw a lot of families of kids on school holiday, grapevines, road construction workers, sheep, some very interesting plants, more sheep, dairy cows and cattle, a lot of very sharp pointy mountains and some mountains with snow.

See the whole Flickr album here.

Interislander Ferry which took us to the South Island

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One Response to Today we took the ferry…

  1. Mom Betty Frezon says:

    Yes Wednesday here now. Kitties running here and there, sun light gets them excited.
    Wanted to sleep on my head last night. My hair got a workout. Silly acting cats even Molly early this morning. Molly seemed to need lots of petting. Snuggled as I reluctantly got up. Not ungodly hour but early. 7:00 a.m.

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