NaPoWriMo Day Sixteen

Quilting and painting both – love hanging the day’s work up and sitting to look at it. Really helps with the process – what comes next. With paintings, I really enjoy my gallery wall with my more favorite paintings, I wonder if Vincent did that? Writing isn’t so easy to hang up on the wall, but I guess it’s that pleasurable re-read before writing starts again.

The pleasure of painting
at the end of the day –
hanging up the work
and looking at it. Maybe
it feels good, maybe
it taught you something
even if you didn’t really
want to learn it right then.
Relive the struggle or the joy
that little bit of color that
turned out just right
a happy surprise, secretly
there’s much there that
resists explanation which makes
the “I did that”
as sweet as rain in the night.

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