I wrote these last night onto my phone. Little did I know that the early bird prompt was of prose and haiku.
I fold the words, clouds
Sailing on seas blue, endless,
Purposeful, loving.this telling of sky:
the love it holds out to clouds
protective of stars.Scooping up the wind
Directing it now to hills,
Now to the river
So I’m off to a month of poems, today combining haiku and sonnet-form.
I fold the words, clouds creased on seas blue
endlessly sailing, purposeful of love
This telling of the sky, holding out stars
protective, small repeated gesturing
which sweeps the night, trees clattering with wind
in between, the stars refrain the chatter
popping with glint until clouds win again
and the night shivers with rain, falling cold.
Going out to see what is in the world
Stepping off the porch, rain or snow or clear
The world travels in its late night journey
Far off the train sings or an owl calling
Far off the house seems, a few steps further
past the tree to learn what of the night.
WOW off to a great start. Just feel better now and you are all set.
Agree with Betty… great start to a month of new poems!
Lovely ☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️