and in other news…

At the risk of taking down my whole web site again, this time just from the shock of using the “Q” word, I will give a brief update. I am making progress in the un-quilting process for the Amish-style quilt I’d been working on Sept 10 2001. Although looking back through the blog I reported one day that I was very pleased with how the quilting looked, I don’t feel the same way now. As I’m unquilting (read this as being at one with my seam ripper) I have been pondering why I’m willing to do this and start again.

  • For starters, this quilt uses three-inch nine patches. Yes folks, yours truly, made blocks of nine one-inch squares of cloth. Nothing too extraordinary there. The quilting is way bigger than that. In short the scale between patching and quilting is wrong.
  • In part because of the scale problem, the quilting has done more distorting of straight lines than normal. Bothers me more than normal so there you go.
  • In some places the quilted lines are more noticeable than others. This is because of the pattern. To make a very traditional fan quilting design you have to go over some of the lines again. If you were quilting by hand, that thread would have been carried inside the quilt so no extra line of stitching on the surface.

Regardless. The quilt is closer to having no quilting than having fixable quilting at the moment so I will carry on. What I use instead is to be seen but it will be: smaller and more continuous in nature which will alleviate the problems I see now. Lesson learned.

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3 Responses to and in other news…

  1. Mom says:

    Glad to see your success with the web page. I know it takes a lot of work. Love Mom

  2. Janet Atkins says:

    Nine patch? One Inch squares? Unquilting? I guess I need to see to believe.

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