I am grateful I got to spend the morning with three co-workers at the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern NY doing “salvage” work. We did things like prepare packing boxes, open up cartons of donated things, checked expiration dates and sorted things into boxes. I did that last bit, plucking items going by on a conveyor belt and putting them into boxes of similar* products or a category of products.
The other folks there were very experienced and very kind to this noob. Out of the corner of my ear I thought I kept hearing my name and at the end, when they shut off the conveyor belt so everyone could break for lunch, I asked ok, which of you two ladies is Mary Beth because I am Mary Beth too! And the other Mary Beth was surprised and pleased to meet another two-word Mary Beth.
We moved MANY cartons of all sorts of foods and other donated items a step closer to where they will help someone. It’s a big operation doing good work in our region.
Afterwards we enjoyed lunch at Professor Java’s and then it was off to Mom’s house to do the taxes. After we got that done and fiddled with computer stuff a bit, it was dinner time and then it was home for this pooped body.
All these frogs were jumping across Rt 20 – peepers! on March 16! that’s just wrong!
But, on my porch was a box for me and it contained this and some Black Raspberry wine.
I’m pleased to report that the winery did a much better on the wine than they did depicting a dandelion! Yummy!
And now – just to round out the evening – big thunder and lightning! BANG!
So happy your day went so good. Yummy wine. Dad and I used to make our own. I think the best was from dandy lions from up north. Surely no chemicals. You had an interesting day and night. God bless all the people who help feed people needing help. Wether from donating or making sure it gets out to the people.