Home on a Monday, Productive Sunday

Yesterday I needed to step away from my NaNoWriMo story for a little so I did. Among the things I did was straighten out a little mess that happened during the holidays and make some progress on a long-waiting quilt project.

When you work with a gazillion little pieces, the risk is always there to knock over said gazillion pieces and indeed that’s what happened during December. The 2X4 foot piece of board that holding said gazillion pieces slid off its safe place and all the pieces ended up on the floor. Being stacks of fabric (one fabric in a stack is how that works and let me tell you that board was COVERED with stacks), the stacks tend to stay mostly together but not completely. Fabric is a little “sticky” in that it tends to stick to itself.

Anyway, I sorted it all out and put it all back in useable form on the board and found the board what will hopefully be a safe enough place to get through sticking it all to the wall. If it had been what was on the wall that had fallen to the floor I probably would not have spent the rest of the day sticking more to the wall. But I did stick quite a bit more to the wall and after all that I slept like a rock.

This morning while taking a few documenting photos I had a very welcome breakthrough that I probably can take down all these pieces as stacks and sew them in “columns” as I normally would, creating rows that I can then sew together. This is a great relief to me in ways that will become clear in the future.

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One Response to Home on a Monday, Productive Sunday

  1. betty frezon says:

    I had written a comment it would not send. So I had walked away. OK the comment disappeared. Well glad you are back to work on this. Your are creating something special. Have fun with it. Love Mom

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