And now, in the hybrid  category

Of pride goeth before the fall that shows housework is probably bad for you.. 

The award goes to me!

Tucking some of the hands-down best turkey soup I’ve ever made into the freezer for future enjoyment and feeling good about it. Mm mm soup. Future goodness. 

Three of the four packages fall out of the freezer and fall to the floor and two of them split open dousing a sad me and the kitchen with soup. It was pretty spectacular. 

Time to do another load of wash I guess. 

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One Response to And now, in the hybrid  category

  1. Betty frezon says:

    Oh dear. I feel bad for you. I usually use one of those styrofoam trays to help. From meat or something. I wash them in soapy water. That is so sad. Love and hugs.

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