My “normal” method

I have a long string of two squares sewn together. That’s sort of fun and not-really mindless work: picking out two squares that will go together. Two that will be sewn to to others or maybe more.

My plan right now is to sew quite a few of these together and then start making blocks and strips from them. Since I have two sizes of squares, I may have to figure out some common sizes to trim down to.

My normal method is to use my biggest omni square as a tray to hold all the squares. This is set to the left of my machine. I grab two squares and sew them.

Nothing magic there. Just straight forward: pick up and sew. Over and over again. Press the seams. Repeat. Keep repeating until I have enough to make something of it.

Actually, this is not my “normal” procedure. Over the past few years my normal method is to take all my squares and lay them out for color placement and then sew together.

This new method gives me a way to mush around differnet color combinations and add additional strips of color and then do the laying out later. Time will tell I guess.

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