Saturday at home

Sleep was good. I was so tired last night I set up the coffee pot, changed the time and then didn’t set it to turn on this morning. Ooops! Good thing it only takes a short while to get the ol’ caffeine thing going.

Got going and went grocery shopping. It was oddly quiet in there, even the workers said so. No idea why except that many people were off work yesterday and maybe they did their shopping then. Whatever. I did some extra shopping for future baking, and some pantry items and some “emergency lunch” stuff.

I’ve been doing pretty well on the “bring my own lunch” thing but last week I sort of fell off the wagon. When leftovers or lunch materials fail, it’s good to have a back up plan. A lot of my co-workers are into the lean cuisine meals – reasonable calories, very reasonable price. Just a bit heavy on the sodium but what are you going to do?

My backup stash includes some Progresso soups which are also a co-worker favorite, so I got some of those. I also found some Indian food packets which sound pretty darn good and meet the Lean Cuisines price point. Now that would be quite cool if they taste as good as they sound. And I’d be more than glad to make some rice and freeze it in lunch-size portions.

Today it was positively balmy so I went out and soaked up some rays for awhile in the yard. Didn’t do much, just enjoyed a rare warm November day. The next door chickens figured out that I put out some bird seed so they’ll be hanging around more in the future.

Now – fabric mushing. No freezing involved there either!

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