Incoming postcards

Got these two beauties today in the mail and one of them made me laugh pretty hard right in the middle of the driveway – before – I flipped it over to look at the front! Good work both of you and thanks.

Also got a postcard from Patagonia but the verbage, while compelling, wasn’t as inspiring.

This morning a helicopter flew down my street less than 50 feet up. I heard this sound coming and couldn’t imagine what was headed my way. Eeks. Probably checking the natural gas pipeline that crosses the road not too far away but still. That was above (thankfully) and beyond.

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4 Responses to Incoming postcards

  1. AJ says:

    So, what did that card say that made you laugh so hard?

    A helicopter at that height is amazing and LOUD! We live very near our local hospital, Edward, and can see the ground-level landing pad from our back yard. In addition, the ‘copters frequently fly in using a route that goes directly over our house, giving the illusion that they’re landing on the roof. Cries of “Incoming!!” cut through the din. Mercifully, it’s not frequent enough to be a bother. And you do get used to it!

    • Mary Beth Frezon says:

      Alas I cannot reveal the back of the card since I didn’t pen it, but let’s just say it was an alt-history look at a well-known historical event with the sudden inclusion of the guys on the front of the card.

  2. betty frezon says:

    Love the cards. I could almost feel the vibrations. LOL I can’ imagine hearing or seeing that at any time. We see and hear them but usually up high enough.

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