Saturday FTW!

So this came in the mail today, from the other side of the world.

Thanks so much Marge! There was only one fabric I saw that I have in my stash and one that was an orange colorway of a print I had in yellow. That’s totally amazing to me. And of course I sat down and read the wee small book right away!

Last night after I cut up some more grey-bluish fabrics I stacked them up on the more than full cutting mat and in a totally geek moment I counted them and did what any math nerd does – estimate how many are there. I’m not crazy enough to count them individually but I know that there are generally at least 20-24 triangles cut from each strip. So…

Now I have wash in, I’ve poured myself a nice cold beverage and I’m going upstairs to fondle and cut up that wonderful gift because in other news in the neighborhood…

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One Response to Saturday FTW!

  1. Betty says:

    I would say you have had a great day so far. The fabric from Marge Gorgeous.
    Cut grass bonus. Fondling fabric extra special. Yep great day.

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