Pizza, round one

I made pizza today (after having started the biga last night). I have had such a strong yen for pizza and am continually disappointed by pizza had elsewhere. You can probably do a search for pizza over there on the right and find earlier times with frequently made pizza. This is like a returning to the fold: it’s been quite awhile and while I certainly can follow the dough recipe, much of what makes it really really good is, like so many things, practice. Also it was cold last night and cool and damp today which didn’t help the rising of it.

Practice makes the dough wet enough and slack enough and rested enough to handle easily.

Having said all that, both pizzas were delicious. One was cheese with a few veggies and the other was pepperoni. Yessireebob it was delicious. How I know I did pretty good is that the bottom has golden spots on it and the rest of it is chewy and tasty. Despite restraint, I put a bit too much toppings on it. (and a huge pot of sauce was made for the quarter or half cup that I used LOL)

Now I have to put away the sauce I made and all the other stuff and do the few left over dishes. Then I will rest my happy tum on my laurels and find something else to do for the rest of the night.

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One Response to Pizza, round one

  1. Betty says:

    Looks yummy.

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