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Ah loyal reader (or two… or up to 30 or 50 or so a day… yes I know you’re out there even if you will not leave a comment…). Sorry. As I was saying, loyal reader(s), perhaps you were waiting for an update. Maybe not.

I savored the zucchini. Grilled with a bit of onion. Delish in a most summery way.

What else? The plant that masquerades as something else (pot, for instance) is in lovely bloom – cleome! Lovely. And don’t you know that as I stand and admire the un-munched parts of my veggie garden, I see more and more tenacious perennials! Things like lambs ears. Rose. Mallow. Doesn’t it give you a great feeling that plants endeavor on, even when all around them is weedy and neglected? It should.

After messing around and trying things out and buying a second-choice batting, I listened to myself and a few well-versed friends and found a wool batt. I then sliced off a bit of that batt and messed around with it. Perfect. Loved the results. Went back and practiced a bit more on my line drawing mockup. Still good.

what wasn’t good was that the new Juki still doesn’t have an insert for my sewing table. So everything felt bad. Wrong angle, wrong height, blah blah blah. Finally I said – let me try the mighty bernina. Perfect. So easy, so smooth. I sat back and thought – what’s important here – quilt with the new machine or do it right? I went to bed.

Tonight I came home, had dinner. Came up and cleaned and oiled. A little more testing and then on to the hyperventilation-causing event. It’s ok. Very committing because it involves a lot of going over little areas. There’s no un-doing this. First little section is done. On to the next.

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