The galloping crud of allergy season

It speaks to the season that when I was interrupted by a terrible sounding cough, mid-conversation with a customer at work yesterday, he brushed off my apology with, “I’ve had that same cough all week.”

So I’m doing all the symptomatic relief thing and the drinking lots of fluids thing and trying to get a whole night sleep thing and just being a slug thing. That’s fine. I don’t feel sick-sick as in having a viral/bacterial round of bronchitis with all the fever and aches and all that those things bring. It’s just a deep attack of the pollen and dust monsters I guess and many have been laid low. One day I allowed as I was using my Lauren Bacall voice, the next day I had no voice at all in between coughing spells and the next day my voice was ok, but ooooh the rattling cough.

Why am I sharing this?

Just to say that late last night, in the throes of being over-tired, restless and medicated to the hilt, an email hit my screen for a big sale and I clicked on it and kept clicking until I clicked on paypal and then I looked at my email again and there were both the confirmation and the paypal receipt and I thought – how interesting, retail therapy works, I can’t keep my eyes open any more.

It was three things – one chunk of interesting fabric (the quilter’s version of ‘ooooh shiny!’), a bolt of kona premium black (I’m out, go figure) and a heap of olfa rotary blades at a decent price (buying them two at a time is for the birds). But hey, free shipping and two of the three are staples!

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One Response to The galloping crud of allergy season

  1. Betty Frezon says:

    Good therapy one might say. I believe in treating oneself well.

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