Saw this on Sandra Donabed’s Blog and couldn’t resist it… it’s everything I need – color chart or wheel, blue, sky, attempt to make sense of it all… just give it over here! She wrote:
We’re talking values here, values of cyan. An 18th century instrument designed to measure the blueness of the sky called a Cyanometer. The simple device was invented in 1789 by Swiss physicist Horace-Bénédict de Saussure and German naturalist Alexander von Humboldt who used the circular array of 53 shaded sections in experiments above the skies over Geneva, Chamonix and Mont Blanc.
measuring the sky’s blueness
blue beyond namingcyanometer
measuring the range of sky
blue beyond namingmeasure it, name it
hang the sky on cloudy wall
cyanometermeasuring the sky
tease out all the colors blue
hang it on my wall.
That is amazing.