When the universe whispers, redux

One of the things I love about opening the windows when the weather changes is that you can hear the sounds of the world again, especially at night. The past two nights I’ve heard some peepers down the road and a particularly lyrical bird – do birds sing in their sleep? – and other far off sounds like tractor trailers and locomotives on distant tracks.

Here’s my second take on this notion.

The Universe Whispers

The universe whispers that’s it out there –
listen – with the peepers and sleepy birds
and the distant locomotive whistle
and the dog a couple of roads over.
Can you reset, retune your jaded ears?
When the universe speaks, you should listen.
Hear it? It’s always whispering. Listen!
The universe is rather big, they say.
These messages we are hearing today
might come from a time far away and past.
Wait. I think it’s saying: do the right thing
love each other, try harder, try again.
When the universe whispers in your ear
lean in, listen carefully and say yes.

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