A Few Bonus Haiku

Just fiddling around tonight… cut some new fabric into strips and thought that was an accomplishment I could report about. There you go. Here you go, some bonus haiku. (The first was inspired by the pleasure of turning on the radio today and hearing some great stories via Selected Shorts hosted by Neil Gaiman, himself.

A bright wonderment:
turn on the car radio
and hear Neil Gaiman.
@SelectedShorts @neilhimself #hearditontheradio @NPR

living on the edge
writing in twitter window
then hit “tweet” button.
#NaPoWriMo, #Haiku

It’s day twenty-six
of poetry and #haiku
for #NaPoWriMo


today in the car
I heard on the radio
a Thurber story

the cats sat and watched
while I put away goceries
hoping for some treats.

Clumps of daffodils
slashing against the grey day
and piercing the wind.

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2 Responses to A Few Bonus Haiku

  1. Betty says:

    I like them all. Especially the daffodils. A nice visit out.

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