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The naming of cats is a difficult matter,
It isn’t just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I’m mad as a hatter
When I tell you a cat must have three different names.
— TS Eliot

Many thanks to Julie O for this great quote. Sure explains a lot of my week so far, trying out names, trying out names for little nicknames etc. Looks like it’s Archibald (Archie for short) for the little white-stocking fellow and probably Erasmus, (Raz for short? MusMus for short? Hey you! in a pinch…) for his brother.

Day four and we’re getting way past the hugely puffed up, hissing, slinking away reaction from the big cats. That is always entertaining to watch.

This morning Deirdre was hurtling around like a total lunatic. I thought she was chasing the small kits but in fact she was hurtling around all on her own, banging into doors and whatever was in the way. The kits were hurtling around AFTER her, stopping when she was stopped by whatever and they’d just stare at each other in this sort of breathless, maniacal way. Looked like fun!

Tonight Gus seems to have gotten past the instant hissing thing too, so I think we’re well on the way to being a big family again.

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