Warez MB?

We started out this morning and we did a lot of cool stuff. First up, drive into Wellington and we went to Minerva, a textile bookshop. There were some fabulous quilts on display there and a huge assortment of books – embroidery, couture, quilting.

We had made reservations to go to Weta Workshops so we then wandered up and wandered around Weta Cave looking at all the nice things available for purchase. Got checked in and waited outside for the tour guide Gavin to come and round us up. Our tour group had people from England, France, Australia, some body from upstate New York in the States… and New Zealand of course.

As you can see, the waiting area outside was a little problematic. There were rheumy-eyed trolls with a fair amount of troll snot going on. The tour was excellent. Explained the process of making molds to make things like guns and swords, let us handle some of the samples as well as steel chain mail vs their aluminum version vs a knitted version. Seeing some of the armor and weapons up close was amazing.

Then we went off to have lunch and had a fabulous lunch, had a lovely walk down to the nearby bay (where we saw a bench dedicated to Peter Jackson’s parents) and came back for dinner. Whew. I’m about to do a face plant. Check out the flickr site for all the rest of the images!

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