Farewell Boopsie

Sad end of the week here as Boopsie died. Many visitors here are familiar with her as the cat frequently seen in the webcam.

She had come to us of her own decision, knocking on the storm door (ok, probably she was head-butting it). Since her mother and siblings were feral it was a little surprising. But when I opened the door, in she walked. She kept her own counsel and observed for a long time. She played up to Bill, the number one cat, such that I thought of her as Mrs. Bill.

For a long time it wasn’t clear why she was invisible and terrified of the other cats but it turned out she was diabetic (as was Mr. Bill), and once that was controlled her gentler and friendlier side returned. She lived inside since fall 1991 and the vet’s chart had her birth date in May of the same year, so she had a good long run and no doubt out-lived her family by many many years. Deirdre, Gus and I will miss her.

For a better ending of the week: What a nice way to end the week — coming home to find that two of my journal quilt pages were chosen for use in an upcoming book about the whole journal quilt project. And even better, of the three I submitted, the two chosen are probably my favorite two, and one of them is the favorite of a few people out there! You can see my August 2002 page here and my September 2003 page here

I did a little celebrating of my own last night, some celebratory sewing on the new work. Miles of seams to go before I’m done… but little by little it all gets done. So far I just am crazy about it. I’m just up to the bright yellow-green and what can I say – YES!

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