Monday, a “day off”

Yesterday I had a touch of the “work-place-crud” also known as the cold that just won’t stop hopping from co-worker to co-worker. Not terrible but it was ok to have no plans and just rest.

Today I got up bright and very early, went to the doctor and got myself all up to date on shots – ok, vaccinations – and prescriptions and lined up with a plan for other routine stuff. Both arms are a bit pricked but I’m ready to go, as they say.

Stopped and saw mom, had a little breakfast, a little coffee, she gave me some goodies (yeah mom chicken soup!)

Then home to bring cats to the vets but the cats… well let’s just say the cats had other plans on how they wanted to spend the day. Molly I got into the new easier to carry carrier against her better judgement and brought her out to the waiting warm car. Razzie vanished. I called to say I might be a few minutes late. By the time he reappeared there was no way he was going into any carrier old or new and so he re-vanished.

So don’t tell them, but they’re going to the vets a week from Friday. I’ll let them think they conned me… for now. That’s a first, in all the years I’ve hauled cats to vets so I guess it’s not so bad.

So thanks cats for giving me a bit more time at home today… sort of.

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One Response to Monday, a “day off”

  1. Betty Frezon says:

    So clever these cats. razz is the one to look out for. after she has been here hopefully she can be fooled into thinking she is coming here to be spoiled. LOL.
    I love a good cat story.
    I actually have 2 sets of three piece back pieces together. Now the sewing part has started on the AGD coats. I am more apt to keep going.

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