Dear stupid HotPoint design people:
Your design of agitator fins that quite purposefully are not attached to the bottom of the washer drum and which have a sizeable notch (what, to allow water flow?) is the stupidest thing in the design world of washers. It allows almost everything I own, sometimes several at a time to wind around the agitator, underneath one or more fins and knot together. Tonight I had to sacrifice a sock in order to free up enough space to get a pair of tights and a shirt out from under the fins. You should find employment elsewhere.
I am not alone in this:
The agitator on this model has slits on the bottom of each fin(?). Clothes get caught in the slits and tear. Is there a replacement agitator the does not have the slits on the bottom?
Jim for Model Number GE GTWN280D1WW
Answer Jim, Unfortunately there is not a different agitator for your unit. You will want to make sure that you are not overloading the unit as this would be the primary cause for this type of issue.
I can assure you I am not overloading the washer just as I can assure you that once this tangling takes place there’s zero chance of a balanced load for spinning. Better luck with other fields of endeavor.
How frustrating. I get mad when loose a sock. Or anything in my washing machine.
I think that is as bad as a car not working right. A lemon in the design I would say. Should be fixed by the manufacturer . Big bucks involved.