My job involves working with a lot of people who know varying amounts about computers. Sometimes they’re just nervous, sometimes they’re hostile. Sometimes they take direction pretty well, sometimes not so much.
So tonight, after I’d done my software updates, my Mom called. We were chatting and suddenly the little bell goes off in my head – parents, new DSL connection, software updates! OK, Mom, here’s what I want you to try. Here’s what’s going to happen… she takes some notes. No phone calls afterwards so I was sort of wondering.
Awhile later, instant message and an email – we think we did it – took awhile. let us know what we updated!
I’m so proud!
And it’s gotta be a pretty wonderful thing that updating your software, including your operating system is such a pretty straight-forward thing that it could be triggered by a short phone call, a few notes on a bit of paper and a little time. Good job, Apple! A little confidence goes a long way for sure but why should it be any harder than that?
And have I mentioned that my Mom is busy learning how to get all the cool stuff out of iPhoto while my Dad is preparing his genealogy research to be put up on the web so others can share it. Whoa. Makes a quasi-geeky daughter mighty proud. High-fiving ya Mom and Dad!