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I hope to spend the day doing normal things. Perhaps some canning of tomatoes. Perhaps a little vacuuming. Perhaps a walk down the nearby lane. I’ll call the folks. I’ll think about Sept. 11, 2001, the lives lost and the way it changed our lives, yes.

But I think I’ll be spending a little time thinking about what’s happening in this country and what can be done to effect change. Because there are some bad things happening and it’s not at all clear what can be done. Unlike the days of Viet Nam, there are no significant protests about the war or the actions of our government. There seems to be no gathering force to bring about change.

If we cannot spend the day doing normal quiet things, the men who place no value on life, the ones we call terrorists, will have accomplished their goal. But if we do not take back our power as citizens I’m not sure what the future of our country can be.

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