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DRESS BOUTIQUE: a la Suzette — aka pretty in pale

The ever-snappy Suzette is rebounding from a little blog-meltdown this week and would like to spread the awesome responsibility for ballgown chatter around. So here you go. Maybe not the snappiest entrance to a web entry, but suffice Suzette to provide all the snappiness needed. Now on to the ballgowns.

photo by Suzette
Of the dresses provided, I think this is probably the weakest trio seen to date. Perhaps late summer events inspire the need for pale cooling colors, something that could be wraithlike seen by a moonlit lakeside. But seriously folks – who looks good in lilac? And who would look good in these dresses? The one at left would be suitable for a nicely developed debutant perhaps, but no known body would look enhanced by the middle offering. If you’re that skinny you need to eat more.

photo by Suzette
Holy mackeral – what were they thinking? First off, that mannequin needs a whole lot more going on under that dress to hold it up than what is provided. There’s a reason that bare-shoulder dresses stay up folks and it’s a combination of hardware, structure and shape to be structured around.
And yes, it’s true that large floofy skirts and side details can distract the eye and make a waist appear smaller and a bust larger, but the dress still needs to fit properly and be worn over the proper undergarments. This dress has a front-side bustle to enhance the skirt fullness but it only adds to the “beauty and the beast” feel- shoulder cowl, visible stays, satin, sequins, ribbon roses…. ack.
Finally if I could ask the universal question: Is there a significance to what hip the obligatory waist-hip doodad is placed on? Right hip – “I’m available” Left hip – I’m so available but my doddering husband thinks I’m not”? I’m just saying folks… and you know you were wondering the same thing.
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