
I’ve spent a good chunk of my time the past few days thinking about and working on the Fruitcake Society’s web site. I’ve officially turned off the circa 1998 page and turned on the new and improved 2014 version, set up on a WordPress frame. Still some work to do and links to find and fix up and a lot of throwing the name and glory that is the Society for the Protection and Preservation of Fruitcake to the winds in order to draw in the masses…

I am mostly a thrasher and brute force sort of worker here – nothing particularly skilled or elegant about how I work. I know enough about it to figure out what has to be done or why something doesn’t work but it’s not always pretty.

I did learn a few new tricks though about the JetPack set of plug ins that come with WordPress like: there’s a little thing called Publicize that lets you link your new blog post to social media like Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler etc. You can only link one account for each of those but that’s ok. I’d been using a plug-in, NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster which does a good job most of the time but has its own set of quirks. The JetPack plug in doesn’t give you quite the control over what gets posted but if it works and works well, I can live with that.

I also found a cute little widget, Social Media Widget, which lets you put nice “Follow Me!” icons in your WP sidebar for all the many social media.

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3 Responses to Saturday

  1. betty (MOM) says:

    Bet you had fun with that. What did you say 1998 or something you started that site? You got a head start on that sort of thing. I’ll take a peek.

  2. Naomi says:

    The only thing that bugs me with WP’s Publicize is it doesn’t let me choose what picture is featured — or at least I haven’t figured it out yet. If I’m giving a squick-warning for guts, I don’t want the guts picture up front!

    • Mary Beth Frezon says:

      Yes I agree – doesn’t seem to give you a lot of control for posting but it gets point for ease of set up. I went back to the SNAP plug in once I’d tried it. I’m having a problem posting from other sites to twitter because twitter requires a cell phone authorization before you can do the backend stuff from WP to twitter, which is fine with me but they’ve pretty much dorked it up for a lot of people by a)requiring a unique cell number for each site you want to link and b) not allowing a lot of international country codes. The discussion boards are lengthy and furious to say the least LOL.

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