The Irony of it All – What I Do

What I Do

When I’m in the throes of quilting something, you might have noticed that I don’t post much but a stream of bobbin counts, about the only measure of progress that is handy and without figuring what percentage of the thing is quilted.

Big parts of quilting are, in fact, tied up with mathematics and arithmetic. What size, how to cut efficiently, how many sewn, how many still to sew, and how many bobbins.

When November comes around, it’s all about the word count. 1667 words a day gets you there to 50,000 words by the night of November 30th. Not an easy number to hit every day but a reachable goal. So in November, you get reports of how many words written or worse yet, not much of a report other than the little progress bar over there in the side bar.

It occurred to me the other day that the quilters in my circle probably roll their eyes during April’s NaPoWriMo, a month of writing at least a poem a day and during November’s push to reach 50,000 words by the arrival of December first.

Meanwhile, the writers I’ve encountered along the way probably watched the progression of this current bobbin count and thought “what the heck? That woman is out of her freakin’ mind!”

Yup, that’s me, just doing my normal weirdnesses, again.

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