new words

Thanks NYTimes for teaching me a new word:

hermeneutic |?h?rm??n(y)o?otik|
adjective: concerning interpretation, esp. of the Bible or literary texts.
noun: a method or theory of interpretation.

Oh you want me to use it in a sentence? I’ll leave that to the NYTimes too, from the aforelinked article:

Buddhists also worry about the relation between ordinary reality, or conventional truth, and ultimate reality. Are they the same or different? Is the world fundamentally illusory, or is it real? They worry about hermeneutical questions concerning the intent of apparently conflicting canonical scriptures, and how to resolve them. They ask about the nature of the person, and its relationship to more fundamental psychophysical processes. Stuff like that. The philosophy of religion looks different if these are taken to be some of its fundamental questions.

In other news, Mom mentioned it was a fine thing that I had taken Wednesday off because she saw this on the news:


Duck and cover boys and girls!

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