TGI… Saturday?

Yeah yeah today was day six of six. Started out with hope and was dashed over and over again on the pointy rocks of retail reality, LOL. Pick up some Bully Hill on the way home and intend to do some straight forward sewing.

Yesterday was a Bow Tie Friday and a good time was had by all. Quite a few bow ties of various colors and styles. Mine looked like this:

Bow Tie Friday

Plug the iPhone into the sewing room boom box and first up, Josefin’s Waltz. This is incredibly tied up with my NaNoWriMo story and makes me teary almost every time I hear it. Next up:

Rene and Georgette Magritte
With their dog after the war
Returned to their hotelsuite
And they unlocked the door
Easily losing their evening clothes
They dance by the light of the moon
To The Penguins
The Moonglows
The Orioles
and The Five Satins
The deep forbidden music
They’d been longing for
Rene and Georgette Magritte
With their dog after the war
– Paul Simon

which just makes me sigh over Paul Simon’s incredible ability to use words.

But, the sewing machine is waiting. All those little seams.

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