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What a gorgeous, glorious day to be off work and home. Even though most of my day was spent cleaning and tidying (more on this soon) the windows were open and it was great to have fresh air. As I write this, there’s a gorgeous deep orange sunset going on in a bank of deep steel blue, lavender clouds. There’s no entertainment like what you see out your window!

In quilting news, I’m really making progress on the stuff that’s going onto the green background you saw recently. I’m not quite ready to show that one, for a number of reasons. Aren’t I mysterious?

I asked about having the roto-tiller serviced. No problem AND they’ll pick it up. What’s not to like about that? I guess that means I have to decide if I want to do battle with the local wildlife over who gets to eat the veggies.

Finally, I hit a motherlode of quotes and basically doubled the number of quotes in the rotating text box at right. So keep your eyes open for a lot of new art-related quotes.

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