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It’s always fun to get prezzies and well, sometimes it’s especially fun. Sometimes there’s a lot of fun in just opening the present, but the most fun is of course the prezzie itself! Thanks Steve! And now to shuffle through some other photos…

Progress continues on this, slow but sure. Slow at first was ok, but I finally ramped things up a bit. Click above to see the squares made so far. Here’s a mock up of all the planned squares.

Long week at work with a lot of mental and physical work to be done. OK folks, sometimes you have to stop talking about what you are doing wrong (aka “But it doesn’t work!”) if you want to learn something new. If you keep doing it over and over again and talking about it, you just keep reinforcing the incorrect thing and not giving the new thing a chance to get in. (aka “Stop talking already. Stop talking now.”)

Finally, a photo of Bill snoozing on the primo register, taken a bit before the end.

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