Bright Star


Watched the movie Bright Star last night, the tale of John Keats and his romance with Fanny Brawne. Beautifully told and filmed, have hankies ready at the end, the movie had been recommended by the teacher of the sonnets “conversation”. Really went along with my brain rumblings over the past two weeks; mainly, what is it like to write poetry like this.

In the movie, Fanny pleads with John to teach her about poetry. At the end, she is able to speak his poetry with deep feeling because the great passion of their love makes her able to understand the passion behind the words. The story is both inspiring and tragic.


(I was delighted and surprised while checking out the movie on IMDb that part of the soundtrack was done by two friends from my dancing days – Bill Matthiesen and Liz Stell along with Eric Buddington which makes up the dance band Spare Parts.)

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