Category Archives: Gnomish
NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 13
boil up the kettle • thinking of the endless cups • at grandma’s table Continue reading
NaPoWriMo 2023 Day 8
cold sunny April
tempting to turn the heat off
history says no Continue reading
Thursday in New Zealand
I have zipped my suitcase shut. Thus endeth my labors for this morning. This guy did not help me, lol.
Painting for Cheer in Mud Season
Mystery is what happens to us when we allow life to evolve rather than having to make it happen all the time. It is the strange knock at the door, the sudden sight of an unceremoniously blooming flower, an afternoon in the yard, a day of riding the midtown bus. Just to see. Just to notice. Just to be there. — Joan Chittister Continue reading
What I Did Today
Got to work too early so I sat in my car and admired the really big gulls up on the mall roof for a little bit and when that had gone on too long I did this: Not sure why … Continue reading