Monthly Archives: September 2013
Before computers, what did you type on?
Well, that would have been a typewriter. I’d been thinking about the one I’d used in college for awhile wondering where it had gone and one night in July my brother and I were in the cellar of our childhood … Continue reading
Making lists and art and design
Well, he did say he likes to make lists Continue reading
Progress report
And now the obligatory cat photo – deirdre this morning after a normal night with them sharing available bed space. Continue reading
What is going on? Cat edition.
Unless there was a BEAR in my living room, I’d like an explanation as to why all four cats were on defcon 2.5 high alert and growling and yowling. I couldn’t even decide who was an instigator or target. That’s … Continue reading
Monday? What country? What?
Off to do a little quality time with NaNoWriMo, then lunch with Christine and Joe and then what I’m not sure. Laters! Continue reading